For those that consider themselves relatively healthy, it may be tempting to consider the financial gain you could get from going without healthcare insurance. What’s the worst that could happen? However, when we think of healthcare insurance, our minds should immediately go to the worst possible scenario.
What happens if I’m in a serious car accident?
What if I break a bone unexpectedly?
What if I get a serious injury or illness such as cancer?
What if something happens and I’m put into significant debt that I can’t come out from?
Although it may seem tempting to go without healthcare insurance, the financial risk far outweighs the gain you may experience. For example, did you know that if you simply broke your leg, it could cost you nearly $7,500? Put on top of that a hospital stay, and you could be looking at a bill upwards of $10,000-$15,000. Ensuring that you don’t go uncovered is so important, as according to CNBC, high medical bills are the highest contributing factor to why Americans end up taking money out of their retirement savings, or worse – they find themselves filing bankruptcy.
Why you shouldn’t go without healthcare insurance
Protects you from the unexpected
As mentioned prior, medical emergencies can ultimately bankrupt you. Medical attention is expensive, and medical emergencies are even more costly. Going through a medical emergency without healthcare insurance can cause you to go into crippling debt. In most scenarios, people are forced to either break into their retirement funds or worse – they are forced to file for bankruptcy. The sad truth is that healthcare insurance is crucial in today’s day and age, and according to The Balance if you try to go without it, it can cause you to be faced with a crippling amount of medical debt.
The counterargument to this is typically something similar to “but I take good preventative care of my health”. Although that may be true, taking good care of your health has nothing to do with being hit by a car, breaking a bone, or other serious injuries that could, and do, occur throughout our lives. The same could be said about developing an illness such as cancer. Regardless of the preventative care you take, nothing can prepare you or help you to avoid serious health diagnoses such as this. The sad truth is, if you are diagnosed with cancer while uninsured, it can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars – a debt you will most likely never be able to break free of.
Promotes Preventative Care
In reality, having healthcare insurance promotes preventative care. How many times have you gone to the dentist simply for a cleaning, or the doctor for a checkup? This is because your healthcare insurance covers it, and it’s a good preventative step to take and ensure that your health and wellbeing are on track. Most healthcare insurances also cover healthcare screenings such as for diabetes, blood pressure levels, diabetes, and more. They also tend to cover any required shots and screenings you may require. However, without healthcare insurance, you’re more prone to go without these preventative appointments and care simply because you’ll tend to only seek medical attention when it’s needed. The truth is, preventative care is crucial to your overall health, and having health insurance promotes individuals to actually take preventative measures and seek out preventative care. However, for those who lack health insurance, they’re less likely to follow the preventative measures that they should.
Peace of Mind
Last, but certainly not least, having healthcare insurance also helps to support peace of mind. Those without health insurance may find themselves more stressed or constantly on edge. They may even avoid certain activities or certain scenarios because they fear it could lead to an injury or illness. Anxiety may also become prevalent, as this is oftentimes caused by being overstressed and overthinking.
Peace of mind is especially important for parents, as their kids’ health and well-being are of significant importance to them. However, if they’re uncovered, they are putting their kids’ health and well-being at risk, as well as their financial well-being. By simply knowing that your kids and family are covered by health insurance, it can cause a large sense of comfort for both parents and their children. To avoid unneeded stress in your life, it’s important to seek out the right healthcare insurance for you.
Going uncovered has several financial and physical risks involved. Although it may seem like a tempting option, and an option that can help you save money, that’s actually the complete opposite of the truth. Injuries and illnesses happen, and it’s important to ensure you have insurance for when those incidents occur. Going without healthcare insurance can leave you struggling financially and could even lead to filing bankruptcy. However, by having healthcare insurance, it will help to promote preventative care within your life and an overall sense of peace of mind and comfort. You never know when you may become sick or injured, and having the right insurance is crucial for when those moments occur.
A&B Insurance and Financial
An Alera Group Company
Tampa 1408 N. Westshore Blvd Suite 708 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: (813) 288-9500 Fax: (813) 288-9520
Orlando 249 Maitland Ave. Suite 2100 Altamonte Springs, FL 32710 Phone: 407-209-3335 Fax: 407-479-3635